Sunday, July 10, 2011

Internet Heaven

One of the best things about the Internet is you can now watch just about any sporting event you want  live.  That was something unheard of just a decade ago.  For the Czarina and me it's watching the top track and field meets whether they're in the United States or Europe.  Universal Sports offers a smorgasbord of track and field throughout the summer for a very reasonable price.

Our home viewing really took off during the 2009 World Championships in Berlin.  If you search back through the blog you will find my words of praise for the British broadcast team that we enjoyed so much and the straight forward presentation.  NBC's efforts paled in comparison.  Their coverage focused on the personalities and the hype of the individuals instead of the straight forward drama and excitement of the events that the meet offered.  But I digress.

Our viewing pleasure has been enhanced thanks to my laptop that I purchased last year and the wide screen TV Andrei bought us for Christmas 18 months ago.  Now I run an HDMI cable from my laptop into the wide screen and now we can watch the meets as big as life.  The Brits still do the announcing and today's meet from Birmingham, England offered non-stop action with no commercial breaks.  The best part of the two hour meet is that Universal doesn't run any commercial breaks and least you think that there's a lot of dead air between running events, think again.  That's when you get caught up with what's going on in the field events.

I think this afternoon's excitement got the better of the Czarina and me.  Looking out the window at 3 p.m. we could see it was overcast and thought it was a great time to go for a run.  Not more than a couple of miles out the door of what was supposed to be an easy eight mile run the sun had returned with a vengeance.  The Czarina showed excellent judgment turning around and heading for home.  I made it just over 5 miles before I finally had to walk.  The heat whipped my ass.  It's the first time in years that I've walked during a run when I wasn't injured.

I walked and jogged most of the way home before the Czarina pulled up in her brown Honda offering me a ride home.  She knew that I had bitten off more than I could chew.  Besides, I've picked her up a couple of times under the same circumstances.  What a day, from Internet heaven to running hell. 

1 comment:

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