Thursday, December 8, 2011

Child Abuse

The Czarina didn't watch much television at all during the first six years or so of our marriage.  Then she started watching American Idol and that sort of threw the barn door open.  Now she watches The Biggest Loser, The Amazing Race and the new FOX show XFactor.  I don't care that she watches these shows except for the fact that the Czarina expects me to watch them with her.

I must admit I like The Biggest Loser and The Amazing Race.  But I don't have much use for either of the FOX shows.  I don't like the idea of finding stars by letting TV audiences vote for singers, many with dubious talent.

Tonight only confirmed my worst feelings for these singing crap fests.  What happened to Rachel Crow tonight was akin to child abuse.  A 13 year old girl shouldn't be put up before a national television audience in that manner and made to suffer.  Watching Drew get voted off last week was painful enough but this week's spectacle topped that slice of television agony.

American Idol has an age limit and now I think so for good reason.  I'm not sure anyone under 16 is equipped to go through what Rachel Crow just experienced.  Adolescents shouldn't be exploited in this way.  But I have to admit, the end of XFactor made for some great television.

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