Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Weather Wimp

I stepped out of my apartment this morning to head into work walking out into the warm sunshine and thinking to myself, winter in Fort Myers.  Then I began to wonder, how did I turn into such a weather wimp?  I lived through three Fargo winters and two more in Minneapolis.  I know what cold, miserable weather is.

But this winter in Northern California has been tough.  Since the end of November until the end of last week we rarely saw the sun.  I felt like I was living in a cold, slimy basement.  It never got super cold this winter.  Temperatures hung around the 50's most every day.  But it's been so discouraging that I haven't even summoned up the courage to make the 90 minute drive up Highway 50 to see the snow in the Sierra.  I just don't want to deal with it.

Did I spend too many years in Fort Myers?  Winter there is spectacular, just like the weather was here today.  It was 80 degrees, beautiful sunshine, without a hint of humidity.  By April in Fort Myers the humidity begins to return and by May it can be downright oppressive.  But then I realize, heat and humidity I can take, cold and humidity I can't.  That's the problem with Sacramento.

You see a cold, snowy winter in Fargo or Minneapolis is a dry, bitter, cold.  But the cold here is different.  It sinks into your bones.  Half the time by the middle of my work days my socks were drenched.  The moisture would just seep into my shoes.  I felt like I was walking around in two damp washrags.  A couple of times I came home for dinner just so I could change my socks.

Thank goodness spring has sprung.  I don't need anymore dank, dark 50 degree days.

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